Source code for dallinger.experiment_server.dashboard

import json
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

import six
import timeago
from flask import (
from flask.wrappers import Response
from flask_login import UserMixin, current_user, login_required, login_user, logout_user
from flask_login.utils import login_url as make_login_url
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from tzlocal import get_localzone
from wtforms import BooleanField, HiddenField, PasswordField, StringField, SubmitField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, ValidationError

import dallinger.db
from dallinger import recruiters
from dallinger.config import get_config
from dallinger.db import get_all_mapped_classes
from import HerokuApp
from dallinger.utils import deferred_route_decorator

from .utils import date_handler, error_response, success_response

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class User(UserMixin):
    def __init__(self, userid, password): = userid
        self.password = password

[docs]class DashboardTab(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, route_name, children_function=None, params=None): """Creates a new dashboard tab :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param children_function: A callable that returns an iterable of ``DashboardTab`` to be displayed as children of this tab :type position: function, optional :param params: A mapping of url query string parameters used when generating the route url. :type position: dict, optional """ self.title = title if not route_name.startswith("dashboard."): route_name = "dashboard." + route_name self.route_name = route_name self.children_function = children_function self.params = params
def url(self): url = url_for(self.route_name) if self.params is not None: url += "?" + urlencode(self.params) return url @property def has_children(self): return self.children_function is not None def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and all( getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr) for attr in self.__dict__ ) def __iter__(self): if self.has_children: children = self.children_function() for child in children: yield child
[docs]class DashboardTabs(object): tabs = () def __init__(self, tabs): self.tabs = list(tabs) or []
[docs] def insert(self, title, route_name, position=None): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it (optionally at a specific position) :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param position: The 0-based index where the tab should be inserted. By default tabs will be appended to the end. :type position: int, optional """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def insert_tab(self, tab, position=None): """Insert a new dashboard tab (optionally at a specific position) :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param position: The 0-based index where the tab should be inserted. By default tabs will be appended to the end. :type position: int, optional """ if position is None: self.tabs.append(tab) else: self.tabs.insert(position, tab)
[docs] def insert_before_route(self, title, route_name, before_route): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it before an existing tab by route name :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param before_route: The route name to insert this tab before. :type before_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``before_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab_before_route(tab, before_route)
[docs] def insert_tab_before_route(self, tab, before_route): """Insert a new dashboard tab before an existing tab by route name :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param before_route: The route name to insert this tab before. :type before_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``before_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ before_check = frozenset((before_route, "dashboard." + before_route)) for i, cur_tab in enumerate(self.tabs): if cur_tab.route_name in before_check: position = i break else: raise ValueError("Route {} not found".format(before_route)) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def insert_after_route(self, title, route_name, after_route): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it after an existing tab by route name :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param after_route: The route name to insert this tab after. :type after_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``after_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab_after_route(tab, after_route)
[docs] def insert_tab_after_route(self, tab, after_route): """Insert a new dashboard tab after an existing tab by route name :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param after_route: The route name to insert this tab after. :type after_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``after_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ after_check = frozenset((after_route, "dashboard." + after_route)) for i, cur_tab in enumerate(self.tabs): if cur_tab.route_name in after_check: position = i + 1 break else: raise ValueError("Route {} not found".format(after_route)) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def remove(self, route_name): """Remove a tab by route name :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str """ route_check = frozenset((route_name, "dashboard." + route_name)) self.tabs = [t for t in self.tabs if t.route_name not in route_check]
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.tabs)
def database_children(): mapped_classes = list(get_all_mapped_classes().items()) mapped_classes.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for cls_name, cls_info in mapped_classes: yield DashboardTab( cls_name, "dashboard.database", None, { "table": cls_info["table"], "polymorphic_identity": cls_info["polymorphic_identity"], }, ) dashboard_tabs = DashboardTabs( [ DashboardTab("Config", "dashboard.index"), DashboardTab("Heroku", "dashboard.heroku"), DashboardTab("MTurk", "dashboard.mturk"), DashboardTab("Monitoring", "dashboard.monitoring"), DashboardTab("Lifecycle", "dashboard.lifecycle"), DashboardTab("Database", "dashboard.database", database_children), DashboardTab("Development", "dashboard.develop"), ] ) def load_user(userid): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if userid != return return admin_user def load_user_from_request(request): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") auth = request.authorization if auth: if auth["username"] != return if auth["password"] == admin_user.password: return admin_user return def unauthorized(): config = get_config() if config.get("mode") == "debug": abort(401) redirect_url = make_login_url("dashboard.login", next_url=request.url) return redirect(redirect_url) dashboard = Blueprint("dashboard", __name__, url_prefix="/dashboard") @dashboard.errorhandler(401) def custom_401(error): return Response( "Unauthorized", 401, {"WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="Login Required"'} ) def validate_username(form, field): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if != raise ValidationError("Unknown user") def next_default(): return request.args.get("next") class LoginForm(FlaskForm): next = HiddenField("next", default=next_default) username = StringField("Username", validators=[DataRequired(), validate_username]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators=[DataRequired()]) remember_me = BooleanField("Remember Me") submit = SubmitField("Sign In") def is_safe_url(url): base = url_for("index") if url.startswith("/") or url.startswith(base): return True return False @dashboard.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): next_url = request.form.get("next", request.args.get("next")) next_url = ( next_url if next_url and is_safe_url(next_url) else url_for("dashboard.index") ) if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(next_url) form = LoginForm() if not form.is_submitted(): return render_template("login.html", title="Sign In", form=form) if form.validate_on_submit(): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if not admin_user.password == flash("Invalid username or password", "danger") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.login")) login_user(admin_user, flash("You are now logged in!", "success") return redirect(next_url) flash("There was a problem with your submission", "danger") return render_template("login.html", title="Sign In", form=form) @dashboard.route("/logout") def logout(): logout_user() return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) @dashboard.route("/") @dashboard.route("/index") @login_required def index(): """Displays active experiment configuation""" config = get_config() config.load() config_dict = config.as_dict() config_list = sorted(config_dict.items()) return render_template( "dashboard_home.html", title="Config", configuration=config_list, configuration_dictionary=config_dict, changeable_params=config.changeable_params, ) @dashboard.route("/heroku") @login_required def heroku(): """Assemble links from Heroku add-on info, stored in config, plus some standard dashboard links. """ config = get_config() if config.get("mode") == "debug": flash( "This experiment is running in debug mode and is not deployed to Heroku", "warning", ) return render_template("dashboard_heroku.html", links=[]) heroku_app = HerokuApp(config.get("heroku_app_id_root")) links = [ {"url": heroku_app.dashboard_url, "title": "Heroku dashboard"}, {"url": heroku_app.dashboard_metrics_url, "title": "Heroku metrics"}, ] details = json.loads( config.get("infrastructure_debug_details", six.text_type("{}")) ) links.extend( [{"title": v["title"].title(), "url": v["url"]} for v in details.values()] ) return render_template("dashboard_heroku.html", links=links) tz = get_localzone() def when_with_relative_time(dt): now = formatted = dt.strftime("%a %b %-d") return "{} ({})".format(formatted, timeago.format(dt, now)) class NotUsingMTurkRecruiter(Exception): """The experiment does not use the MTurk Recruiter""" class MTurkDataSource(object): def __init__(self, recruiter): self._recruiter = recruiter try: self._mturk = recruiter.mturkservice except AttributeError: raise NotUsingMTurkRecruiter() @property def is_sandbox(self): return self._recruiter.is_sandbox @property def _mturk_root(self): if self.is_sandbox: return "" return "" @property def account_balance(self): return self._mturk.account_balance() @property def ad_url(self): hit_id = self._recruiter.current_hit_id() template = "{}&assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE&hitId={}" if hit_id is not None: return template.format(self._recruiter.ad_url, hit_id) @property def current_hit(self): hit_id = self._recruiter.current_hit_id()"HIT is: {}".format(hit_id)) if hit_id is not None: return self._mturk.get_hit(hit_id) @property def requester_url(self): return "{}/manage".format(self._mturk_root) @property def qualification_types_url(self): return "{}/qualification_types".format(self._mturk_root) _fake_hit_data = { "annotation": None, "assignments_available": 1, "assignments_completed": 0, "assignments_pending": 0, "created": ( - timedelta(minutes=10)).replace(tzinfo=tz), "description": "Fake HIT Description", "expiration": ( + timedelta(hours=6)).replace(tzinfo=tz), "id": "3X7837UUADRXYCA1K7JAJLKC66DJ60", "keywords": ["testkw1", "testkw2"], "max_assignments": 1, "qualification_type_ids": ["000000000000000000L0", "00000000000000000071"], "review_status": "NotReviewed", "reward": 0.01, "status": "Assignable", "title": "Fake HIT Title", "type_id": "3V76OXST9SAE3THKN85FUPK7730050", "worker_url": "", } class FakeMTurkDataSource(object): account_balance = 1234.5 ad_url = "" requester_url = "" qualification_types_url = "" is_sandbox = True def __init__(self): self.current_hit = _fake_hit_data.copy() class MTurkDashboardInformation(object): def __init__(self, config, data_source): self._config = config self._source = data_source @property def hit(self): return self._source.current_hit @property def hit_info(self): hit = self.hit if hit is not None: return { "HIT Id": hit["id"], "Title": hit["title"], "Keywords": ", ".join(hit["keywords"]), "Base payment": "${:.2f}".format(hit["reward"]), "Description": hit["description"], "Creation time": when_with_relative_time(hit["created"]), "Expiration time": when_with_relative_time(hit["expiration"]), "Assignments requested": hit["max_assignments"], "Assignments available": hit["assignments_available"], "Assignments completed": hit["assignments_completed"], "Assignments pending": hit["assignments_pending"], } @property def hit_expiration_isoformat(self): hit = self.hit if hit is not None: return self.hit["expiration"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") @property def is_sandbox(self): return self._source.is_sandbox @property def account_balance(self): return "${:.2f}".format(self._source.account_balance) @property def last_updated(self): return"%X") @property def ad_url(self): return self._source.ad_url @property def requester_url(self): return self._source.requester_url @property def qualification_types_url(self): return self._source.qualification_types_url @property def expire_command(self): app_id = self._config.get("id") sandbox_option = " --sandbox " if self._source.is_sandbox else " " return "dallinger expire{}--app {}".format(sandbox_option, app_id) def mturk_data_source(config): recruiter = recruiters.from_config(config) try: return MTurkDataSource(recruiter) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: if config.get("mode") == "debug": flash( "Debug mode: Fake MTurk information provided for testing only.", "warning", ) return FakeMTurkDataSource() else: raise @dashboard.route("/mturk") @login_required def mturk(): config = get_config() try: data_source = mturk_data_source(config) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: flash("This experiment does not use the MTurk Recruiter.", "danger") return render_template( "dashboard_mturk.html", title="MTurk Dashboard", data=None ) helper = MTurkDashboardInformation(config, data_source) data = { "account_balance": helper.account_balance, "ad_url": helper.ad_url, "hit_info": helper.hit_info, "hit_expiration": helper.hit_expiration_isoformat, "last_updated": helper.last_updated, "requester_url": helper.requester_url, "is_sandbox": helper.is_sandbox, "qualification_types_url": helper.qualification_types_url, "expire_command": helper.expire_command, } return render_template("dashboard_mturk.html", title="MTurk Dashboard", data=data) @dashboard.route("/auto_recruit/<bool_val>", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def auto_recruit(bool_val): from dallinger.db import redis_conn num_val = int(bool_val) assert num_val in [0, 1] redis_conn.set("auto_recruit", num_val) return success_response() @dashboard.route("/monitoring") @login_required def monitoring(): from sqlalchemy import distinct, func from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session from dallinger.models import Network exp = Experiment(session) panes = exp.monitoring_panels(**request.args.to_dict(flat=False)) network_structure = exp.network_structure(**request.args.to_dict(flat=False)) vis_options = exp.node_visualization_options() net_roles = ( session.query(Network.role, func.count(Network.role)) .group_by(Network.role) .order_by(Network.role) .all() ) net_ids = [ i[0] for i in session.query(distinct( ] return render_template( "dashboard_monitor.html", title="Experiment Monitoring", panes=panes, network_structure=json.dumps(network_structure, default=date_handler), net_roles=net_roles, net_ids=net_ids, vis_options=json.dumps(vis_options), ) @dashboard.route("/node_details/<object_type>/<obj_id>") @login_required def node_details(object_type, obj_id): from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session exp = Experiment(session) html_data = exp.node_visualization_html(object_type, obj_id) return Response(html_data, status=200, mimetype="text/html") @dashboard.route("/init_db", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def init_db(): dallinger.db.init_db(drop_all=True) return success_response() @dashboard.route("/lifecycle") @login_required def lifecycle(): config = get_config() try: mturk = MTurkDashboardInformation(config, mturk_data_source(config)) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: mturk = None sandbox_option = " --sandbox " if config.get("mode") == "sandbox" else " " data = { "heroku_app_id": config.get("heroku_app_id_root"), "expire_command": mturk.expire_command if mturk else None, "sandbox_option": sandbox_option, } return render_template( "dashboard_lifecycle.html", title="Experiment lifecycle Dashboard", **data ) TABLE_DEFAULTS = { "dom": "frtilBpP", "ordering": True, "searching": True, "select": True, "paging": True, "lengthChange": True, "searchPanes": {"threshold": 0.99}, "buttons": [ { "extend": "collection", "text": "Export", "buttons": ["export_json", "csvHtml5", "print"], }, ], } def prep_datatables_options(table_data): """Attempts to generate a reasonable a DataTables config""" datatables_options = deepcopy(TABLE_DEFAULTS) datatables_options.update(deepcopy(table_data)) # Display objects and arrays in useful ways for row in datatables_options.get("data", []): for col in datatables_options.get("columns", []): data = col["data"] if isinstance(data, dict): key = data.get("_") else: key = data display_key = key + "_display" value = row[key] if not isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)): row[display_key] = "<code>{}</code>".format( escape(json.dumps(value, default=date_handler)) ) else: row[display_key] = escape(value) col["data"] = { "_": key, "filter": key, "display": display_key, } if isinstance(row[key], (list, dict)): col["searchPanes"] = { "orthogonal": { "display": "filter", "sort": "filter", "search": "filter", "type": "type", } } if "render" in col: del col["render"] if isinstance(row[key], dict): # Make sure SearchPanes can show dict values reasonably row[key] = json.dumps(value, default=date_handler) # Add indentation to dicts row[display_key] = "<code>{}</code>".format( escape(json.dumps(value, default=date_handler, indent=True)) ) elif isinstance(row[key], list): # Make sure SearchPanes can show list values reasonably row[key] = json.dumps(value, default=date_handler) return datatables_options @dashboard.route("/database") @login_required def database(): from dallinger.db import get_polymorphic_mapping from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session exp = Experiment(session) table = request.args.get("table", None) polymorphic_identity = request.args.get("polymorphic_identity", None) if polymorphic_identity == "None": polymorphic_identity = None if table is None and polymorphic_identity is None: table = "participant" if polymorphic_identity is not None: assert table is not None cls = get_polymorphic_mapping(table)[polymorphic_identity] label = cls.__name__ else: label = table.capitalize() title = "Database View: {}".format(label) datatables_options = prep_datatables_options( exp.table_data(**request.args.to_dict()) ) columns = [ c.get("name") or c["data"] for c in datatables_options.get("columns", []) if c.get("data") ] # Extend with custom actions actions = { "extend": "collection", "text": "Actions", "buttons": [], } buttons = actions["buttons"] exp_actions = exp.dashboard_database_actions() for action in exp_actions: buttons.append( { "extend": "route_action", "text": action["title"], "route_name": action["name"], } ) is_sandbox = getattr(recruiters.from_config(get_config()), "is_sandbox", None) if is_sandbox is True or is_sandbox is False: buttons.append("compensate") else: is_sandbox = None if len(buttons): datatables_options["buttons"].append(actions) return render_template( "dashboard_database.html", title=title, columns=columns, is_sandbox=is_sandbox, datatables_options=json.dumps( datatables_options, default=date_handler, indent=True ), ) @dashboard.route("/develop", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def develop(): """Dashboard for working with ``dallinger develop`` Flask server.""" return render_template("dashboard_develop.html") @dashboard.route("/database/action/<route_name>", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def database_action(route_name): from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session data = request.json exp = Experiment(session) if route_name not in {a["name"] for a in exp.dashboard_database_actions()}: return error_response( error_text="Access to {} not allowed".format(route_name), status=403 ) route_func = getattr(exp, route_name, None) if route_func is None: return error_response( error_text="Method {} not found".format(route_name), status=404 ) result = route_func(data) session.commit() if result.get("message"): flash(result["message"], "success") return success_response(**result) DASHBOARD_ROUTE_REGISTRATIONS = []
[docs]def dashboard_tab(title, **kwargs): """Creates a decorator to register experiment functions or classmethods as dashboard tabs. Adds a tab with a ``title`` at the path ``/dashboard/function_name`` and accepts any other flask ``route`` keyword arguments. Registers the decorated method as a route on the :attr:`dallinger.experiment_server.dashboard.dashboard` Blueprint. The registration is deferred until experiment server setup to allow routes to be overridden. Optionally accepts ``after_route`` and ``before_route`` arguments to specify tab ordering relative to other named routes. :param title: The dashboard tab title :type title: str :param after_route: Optional name of a tab after which to insert this tab :type after_route: str :param before_route: Optional name of a tab before which to insert this tab :type before_route: str :param tab: Optional :attr:`~dallinger.experiment_server.dashboard.DashboardTab` instance if you need to provide nested dashboard menus, or other tab features. :type tab: :attr:`~dallinger.experiment_server.dashboard.DashboardTab` :returns: Returns a decorator to register methods from a class as dashboard routes. """ registered_routes = DASHBOARD_ROUTE_REGISTRATIONS after_route = kwargs.pop("after_route", None) before_route = kwargs.pop("before_route", None) full_tab = kwargs.pop("tab", None) route = { "kwargs": tuple(kwargs.items()), "title": title, "after_route": after_route, "before_route": before_route, "tab": full_tab, } return deferred_route_decorator(route, registered_routes)