Installing Dallinger with Anaconda

If you are interested in Dallinger and use Anaconda, you’ll need to adapt the standard instructions slightly.

Getting Python 2.7 started if you have Anaconda 3

If you have Anaconda 3 (i.e., Anaconda running Python 3), you’ll need to create a virtual environment for Python 2.7.

To initialize the new environment, type the following command into the command line:

conda create -n py27 python=2.7 anaconda

You can customize the name of your Python 2.7 environment by changing the py27 to your environment name of choice. Once it’s created, then activate your new environment at the command line:

source activate py27

If you didn’t choose to stick with the py27 name, make sure that you change that to reflect your environment name. Once you’ve activated the environment, you can proceed with the rest of the instructions below.

Whenever you want to leave the environment, you can deactivate it at the command line:

source deactivate py27

Again, be sure to change py27 to whatever you called your environment.

For more information about creating virtual environments within Anaconda, check out [].

Install psycopg2

In order to get the correct bindings, you need to install psycopg2 before you use requirements.txt; otherwise, everything will fail and you will be endlessly frustrated.

conda install psycopg2

Install Dallinger

You’ll follow all of the Dallinger development installation instructions, with the exception of the virtual environment step. Then return here.

Confirm Dallinger works

Now, we need to make sure that Dallinger and Anaconda play nice with one another. At this point, we’d check to make sure that Dallinger is properly installed by typing

dallinger --version

into the command line. For those of us with Anaconda, we’ll get a long error message. Don’t panic! Add the following to your .bash_profile:


If you installed anaconda using Python 3, you will need to change anaconda in that path to anaconda3.

After you source your .bash_profile, you can check your Dallinger version (using the same command that we used earlier), which should return the Dallinger version that you’ve installed.