Running demos on Heroku

Running the demos of Dallinger in “sandbox” mode, will require a Heroku account and verification by providing a credit card in your Heroku account. If you only make use of Heroku’s free tier offerings, you will not be charged.

Heroku states that the use of any add-on requires account verification (even free tier add-ons). Redis is a requirement for Dallinger to run and is considered by Heroku as an add-on feature. More information on account verification can be found here.

If you wish to only make use of Heroku’s free tier offerings, set the following in the demo’s config.txt file:

database_size = hobby-dev
redis_size = hobby-dev

You can read more about Heroku’s Postgres Plans and their Redis add-on offering.

Also note that you may also need to set:

dyno_type = hobby

Read more about Heroku’s Dyno Types.