Experiment Data¶
Dallinger keeps track of experiment data using the database. All generated data about Dallinger constructs, like networks, nodes, and participants, is tracked by the system. In addition, experiment specific data, such as questions and infos, can be stored.
The info table is perhaps the most useful for experiment creators. It is intended for saving data specific to an experiment. Whenever an important event needs to be recorded for an experiment, an Info can be created:
def record_event(self, node, contents, details):
info = Info(origin=node, contents=contents, details=details)
In the above example, we have a function to record an event that would be part of a long experiment code. Each time something important happens in the experiment, the function will be called. In this case, we take the related node as the first parameter, then a string representation of the event, and finally an optional details parameter, which can include a dictionary, or other data structure with details.
Dallinger allows users to export experiment data for performing analysis with the tools of their choice. Data from all experiment tables are exported in CSV format, which makes it easy to use in a variety of tools.
To export the data, the Dallinger export command is used. The command requires passing in the application id. Example:
$ dallinger export --app 6ab5e918-44c0-f9bc-5d97-a5ddbbddb68a
This will connect to the database and export the data, which will be saved as a zip file inside the data directory:
$ ls data
To use the exported data, it is recommended that you unzip the file inside a working directory. This will create a new data directory, which will contain the experiment’s exported tables as CSV files:
$ unzip 6ab5e918-44c0-f9bc-5d97-a5ddbbddb68a.zip
Archive: 6ab5e918-44c0-f9bc-5d97-a5ddbbddb68a-data.zip
inflating: experiment_id.md
inflating: data/network.csv
inflating: data/info.csv
inflating: data/notification.csv
inflating: data/question.csv
inflating: data/transformation.csv
inflating: data/vector.csv
inflating: data/transmission.csv
inflating: data/participant.csv
inflating: data/node.csv
Once the data is uncompressed, you can analyze it using many different applications. Excel, for example, will easily import the data, just by double clicking on one of the files.
In Python, pandas are a popular way of manipulating data. The library is required by Dallinger, so if you already have Dallinger running you can begin using it right away:
$ python
>>> import pandas
>>> df = pandas.read_csv('question.csv')
Pandas has a handy read_csv method, which will read a CSV file and convert it to a DataFrame, which is a sort of spreadsheet-like structure used by Pandas to work with data. Once the data is in a DataFrame, we can use all the DataFrame features to work with the data:
>>> df.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 14 columns):
id 6 non-null int64
creation_time 6 non-null datetime64[ns]
property1 0 non-null object
property2 0 non-null object
property3 0 non-null object
property4 0 non-null object
property5 0 non-null object
failed 6 non-null object
time_of_death 0 non-null object
type 6 non-null object
participant_id 6 non-null int64
number 6 non-null int64
question 6 non-null object
response 6 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int64(3), object(10)
memory usage: 744.0+ bytes
>>> df.response.describe()
count 6
unique 5
top {"engagement":"7","difficulty":"4"}
freq 2
Name: response, dtype: object
In this case, let’s say we want to analyze questionnaire responses at the end of an experiment. We will only need the response column from the question table. Also, since this column is stored as a string, but holds a dictionary with the answers to the questions, we need to convert it into a suitable format for analysis:
>>> df = pandas.read_csv('question.csv', usecols=['response'],
converters={'response': lambda x:eval(x).values()})
>>> df
0 [4, 7]
1 [1, 6]
2 [4, 7]
3 [7, 7]
4 [3, 6]
5 [0, 3]
>>> responses=pandas.DataFrame(df['response'].values.tolist(),
columns=['engagement', 'difficulty'], dtype='int64')
>>> responses
engagement difficulty
0 4 7
1 1 6
2 4 7
3 7 7
4 3 6
5 0 3
First we create a DataFrame using read_csv as before, but this time, we specify which columns to use using the usecols parameter. To get the numeric values for the responses, we use a converter to convert the string back into a dictionary and extract the values.
At this point, we have both values in the response column. We really want to have one column for each value, so we create a new dataframe, converting the response values to a list and assigning each to a named column. We also make sure the values are integers, with the dtype parameter. This makes them plottable.
We can now make a simple bar chart of the responses using plot:
>>> responses.plot(kind='bar')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7f0092dc90>
If you are running this in a Jupyter notebook, this would be the result:
Of course these are very simple examples. Pandas are a powerful library, and offer many analysis and visualization methods, but this should at least give an idea of what can be achieved.
Dallinger also has a helper class that allows us to handle experiment data in different formats. You can get the DataFrame using this, as well:
$ python
>>> from dallinger.data import Table
>>> data = Table('info.csv')
>>> df = data.df
It might seem like a roundabout way to get the DataFrame, but the table class has the advantage that the data can easily be converted to many other formats. All of these formats are accessed as properties of the Table instance, like data.df above. Supported formats are:
- csv. Comma-separated values.
- dict. A python dictionary.
- df. A pandas DataFrame.
- html. An html table.
- latex. A LaTex table.
- list. A python list.
- ods. An open document spreadsheet.
- tsv. Tab separated values.
- xls. Legacy Excel spreadsheet.
- xlsx. Excel spreadsheet.
- yaml. YAML format.
From the list above dict, df, and list can be used to handle the data inside a python interpreter or program, and the rest are better suited for display or analysis using other tools.